Światowe Dni Młodzieży Sydney 2008

W 1985 roku Ojciec Święty Jan Paweł II pisze List Apostolski do młodych z okazji ONZ-towskiego Miedzynarodowego Roku Młodzieży oraz ogłasza ustanowienie Światowych Dni Młodzieży. Do Rzymu przybywa 350 000 młodych z całego świata. Odtąd każdego roku spotyka się w Rzymie z młodzieżą w Niedzielę Palmową zaś co dwa – trzy lata w innym wyznaczonym przez niego miejscu na kuli ziemskiej.
Te papieskie spotkania w wymiarze międzynarodowym stały się największym festiwalem młodzieżowym na świecie. Dotąd odbyły się: w Rzymie, Buones Aires, Santiago de Compostela, Czestochowie, Denver, Manilii, Paryżu, Toronto i Kolonii gromadzac setki tysięcy a nawet miliony młodych pielgrzymów.
Od 15 do 20 lipca 2008 roku Światowe Dni Młodzieży odbyły się w Sydney, w Australii.

czwartek, 22 maja 2008

Mówią liderzy polonijnych grup

As a Pilgrim Group Leader for World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney from 15 - 20 July 2008, I have found to be an invaluable, inspiring and awakening experience. I am wholeheartedly awaiting this great event for the youth of the world of the catholic religion. The magnitude and joy I am sure will be felt by all.

Agnieszka Jaszczyszyn


I did not really know what to expect from the pilgrim group leader information sessions however following the completion of the first one I came closer to realising the true magnitude of World Youth Day. The sessions I attended were very informative and gave us a good insight into what our role as group leaders was going to be during the week. I found the talk on Pope Benedict particularly interesting as I did not really know a lot about him. Hearing about how other groups are preparing for the event was also very worthwhile and confirmed that our (the Polish groups) preparations were on the right track! All the speakers that I heard were excellent and very motivational.

Olivia Usien


My experience at the Pilgrim Group Leaders meeting was a mixture of excitement and spirituality. I think we have a very big task ahead of us in the next 2 months an seeing all the other people and support there for the group leaders made me more confident we were all be prepared and in the right frame of mind when WYD comes around

Filip Kidon


I have never attended an event like World Youth Day before so I came along to the meetings interested to find out how it is all going to pull together. I hope that the young people in our group will embrace this opportunity with open arms and open hearts and experience the full grace of the Holy Spirit during World Youth Day. One thing I learnt from these preparation courses is to expect the unexpected during World Youth Day and remain patient and open-minded as it is a real logistical challenge.

Maciej Slusarczyk


I attended the Pilgrim Group Leaders Formation Course with great anticipation. I was particularly keen to learn more about the logistics of the event. With around 150 Polish people registered in our group it will be up to us as leaders to help them to understand the logistics and enjoy the events. One of the main messages that I gained from the preparation course is that World Youth Day is not just another Youth Festival, it is a true experience of faith and a sharing of faith with others. I believe prayer and reflection should be at the centre of each pilgrim’s experience of World Youth Day and that this will stay with them for years to come. I am very proud to be leading the Polish group and along with Sr Monika, Ks Artur and the other group leaders we will try to make it a memorable experience for our Polish Youth.

Basia Slusarczyk


After attending the pilgrim group leader formation course, the excitement about the upcoming World Youth Day rose dramatically. Just being in the presence of other members believing and worshiping our Lord was a site to behold. The course provided me a great insight to the actual purpose of the event; a time of self actualization and becoming closer to your faith and your God. Further more this event was not simply a time to sit and pray, but get involved and encourage your fellow man to get involved in this great event, and express your faith on an entirely new level!

Szymon Flak

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